Flyboard-Baltic Weekend 2018 map


This is a detailed map of the areas Flyboard-Baltic Weekend 2018.

1-      Parking for your jetski.

2-      Our Sauna-Barrel, where you will be able to get warm 24 h.

3-      Our 2 info-tents, where will be held our communication, discussions, rest.

4-      Our hotel -Pirita Spa Hotel.

Address: Purje 9, 11911 Tallinn, Estonia 

5-      Our camping area. For people who do not stay at the hotel, they will be able to stay in the camping area, take with your tent and sleeping bag. For your comfort, there are WC and electricity. In the camping we have the Sauna-Barrel, there is a cold and hot water and you will be able to wash up.

6-      The area for fueling your jetski, is not for flying.

7-      The main zone of our flights. Depth from 2.5 meters to 6 meters. There will be our friendly Flyboard-flights and Flyboard-show.

8-      The area of extreme flights, fly as you like!

9-      Free zone for flying.

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